..::LvL - [Q]3A Database
How to play Ascii Q3A Move : W,A,S,D || Arrows || Number pad 8,4,6,2 Shoot : Enter || Spacebar || Shift Weapon: Number 1 Shot gun, 25 damage, 1 move delay Number 2 Plasma gun, 50 damage, 3 move delay Number 3 Rail gun, 100 damage, 6 move delay Items : @ Teleporter }, { Teleporter destination + 25 Health, respawns after 20 moves . Spawn point Hud : The left side shows the Fraglimit, the number of moves taken and some command options. The right side shows the details for the top 4. First digit is the Frag count. Next is the name and health. The next digit is the number of moves before being able to shoot again. Finally, the currently selected weapon.
Map list - Select a level to play. [0] q3dm0 Introduction [1] q3dm1 Arena Gate [2] q3dm2 House of Pain [3] q3dm3 Arena of Death [6] q3dm6 The Camping Grounds [a] aeroq3 Aerowalk [z] ztn3dm1 Blood Run
..:: Loading ::..
..-.----------------------------------------------------.-.. Frag limit: | Moves: | | [Q]uit [M]ap [H]elp |
Options: [Q]uit [M]ap [H]elp [G]ame